The Art and Rantings of a Middle Aged wanna be artist!!!

Monday, September 24, 2007

The Big Crap Shoot!!!

A crap shoot. That what life is. I know God almighty gave us humans the gift of free will. We control our destiny by the choices we make. What we don't have control of when or where we are born. Some of us are born with a silver spoon in our mouths. And most of us aren't. There will always be rich and poor of the earth, yet sometimes it would be cool not to be poor. I live a fairly comfortable life I guess. At least I'm not homeless. Yet when I see the more privliged think or act like they are better than everyone else, that's when I get pissed. Or when you read about Celebrities in the new about what they're wearing, who they are dating, or how they are spending, who really give a fuck? Again, I'm getting off track. What I'm trying to say is we are not in control of the situation or enviroment we are born into. A lot of people take for granted that the stable families they are born into, and grumble and bitch about trivial shit like cell phones or the car they drive or the house they live in. And they are blind to most everyone unless they can use people for they're own personal gain.....typing this is making me pissed off and I forget what the damn point I was trying to get at. AAAUUUUGGHHHH!!!!!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

I lead a boring life

8/22/2007 I lead a boring life

It’s a Saturday. And like all other Saturdays, I can’t figure out with to do with myself. Same old question, “so what do want to do today?” asks Chris. And the answer is always “I don’t know”. Sometimes I ask her, and she say the same. There is stuff to be done, yet we can never decide what to do. Workout, go to the beach, crawl the malls. Chris isn’t the conventional girl. She’s not into the “foo-foo” girly-girly stuff, so she doesn’t like shopping to much. Me, I don’t really like shopping much either. Mainly because most of the time I don’t have money. I got this credit card recently that has a 20,000 dollar limit. And that’s like having a loaded gun.

Personal Space

8/21/2007 Personal Space

I was going to start this with personal observations, but then I thought about something else. Personal space. Why? I'm no celebrity, but I think it’s a precious commodity. I don’t live on my own. I never have. I lived with my parents or should I say parent (Mom) till I was 31. Then roomed with my cousin Carla till up until more than a year and a half ago till I was forced out. But that’s another story. Presently I live with my constant companion and roommate Chris and her parents. So basically I have no personal space. No private time. Maybe in the bathroom when I’m showering or taking a crap. Other than that, almost zero. Something is always encumbering the situation. Can’t cook in the house because it gets to hot. Gotta wait till Chris’s parents to leave before we can wash and dry clothes, At work is the same. Work used to be my sanctuary, but since we moved into a new building, that personal space is gone too. In the old building, at lease I could work in some kind of peace in my own space. Now, I’m in this cramp room with 4 other people. 3 of which are loud when they talk. 1 of them plays his radio so damn loud, one can’t think above the noise. And it seems like a stopping station for everyone to talk stories. And the damn office is always so frickin’ cold. 65 degrees to be exact. Any thing more and the 3 fat one in our office start griping that “oh it’s so hot” and have the fans blowing all through the room. The dust and mold has led me to having a constant runny nose and watery eyes. Man, I think I’m getting off the subject. Getting back to the whole personal space thing, yeah I don’t have any. When I get mad or pissed off, I don’t have an area to just sulk or have quiet tie to myself. I could just get in my car and drive off somewhere, but why should I? Today I lucked out though. I called in sick from work and Chris’s parent’s went to hang with one of their relatives, so I had the house to myself. I had peace and quiet for about 6 hours. Ah….personal space. Gotta love it.