The Art and Rantings of a Middle Aged wanna be artist!!!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007


Rendered this old piece I did in Painter X.

Starting I'm too old for this shit.

Yeah, as you out there who might be reading this, I'm again unemployed. I'm frickin' 44 years old. Am i not supposed to be at this stage in my life, Married with a few kids in their teens, a house or home, steady and stable job, etc, etc. Right now I'm collecting unemployment, which still didn't even send the damn check yet and it's been 3 weeks. I'm still rooming with my close friend at her folks place. No real prospects for jobs because most employers don't even know what a damn Title Officer is, much less what they do. Severance pay is running out and I got bills to pay. You know, I'm not a suicidal kind of person, but I understand why someone would want to kill themselves, you know? This shit get fuckin' tiring. I was a hard worker who hardly if ever call in sick. Was on time. Never abused the system at work. Yet I was still laid off. I would be OK with it, but there were those who were kept on who called in sick every chance they got, always late and always slacking. Man, I just can't get a break or what??? The job market out there is mostly part-time work for retail and fast-food. And even for those jobs I can't get in. "Too Qualified" is the term. Or they just don't want to hire you for fear of you might do a better job than they would.

I'm just so fuckin' pissed off....and please spare me all the cliche's, because I've heard'um all and it just don't work in the real world.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Unemployed to the 4th power.

On 10/5/2007 I have been rendered unemployed for the 4th time. Burned once again by the Escrow and Title industry. I've been in this line of work for almost 15 years. Looks like it's time for a new line of work.

Why am I even blogging this? No one gonna read this anyways. I'm just a statistic, just like this the ones I handle in my former job. A damn statistic.


Getting the hang of doing digital art work.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Payscale and why I always seem to get the short end of the stick.

So today I find this link on that helps you find out what your present job title suppose to pay. The link is
I'm a Title Officer for an escrow company. This website say that national average for this type of job is about $36,440.00 a year and the avg. pay in Hawaii is $36,723.00. This chart also shows the low and high end pay too. The low end is $26,233.00 and the high end being $51,023.00. I'm barely above the low end with $27,000.00 and Hawaii has a higher cost of living than 95% of the United States. I've been in this industry for more than a decade. My company didn't even give out raises this year. Not even an inflation raise of 3% to 5 % which comes out to 41 cents to 69 cents. How fucked up is that??? In 2003 I made 32,500 a year salary, but I was always working 12-15 hour days as a Supervisor for another Title company. That fucked up because as a supervisor, I didn't get any overtime. That short end of the stick is my good friend....hahahahahha.